Central Branch AGM Postponed

Due to unforeseen circumstances The Central Branch SAFGA AGM on the 2nd Dec will now be postponed. A new date will be announced ASAP. We apologize sincerely about any inconvenience – The Central Branch Committee

Waikerie Shoot, November 20th- change to program

Please note a change to the published program for the shoot on November 20th for Waikerie Branch. The event is now a 60 Target Novelty (Christmas) Shoot to be shot over two rounds of 30 Targets plus a Turkey Shoot. Nominations are as previously published, 10.30 to 11...

2016 Waterfowl and Wetlands Spring Survey

It’s nearly time for the 2016 Waterfowl and Wetlands Spring Survey, our annual assessment of waterfowl abundance and wetland condition at 100 sites throughout southern South Australia and we would be very grateful if you are able to count the same wetland(s) you...