Waikerie-Lowbank Branch suspended

At the recent State Council meeting, State Council voted to suspend the branch status of Waikerie-Lowbank Branch due to the lack of having enough members to sustain a branch and the illegal actions of its Vice President in changing the constitution and name of the...

Renmark-Berri Branch vote to leave SAFGA

At the most recent SAFGA AGM and State Council meeting, Renmark-Berri branch voted to leave SAFGA to purse an alternative path for their club. SAFGA wishes Renmark-Berri all the best with their future directions and endevours.   Please note that any listed shoots...

DEWNR Duck Hunting Permit

As you know every year DEWNR sends out reminder notices for open season hunting permits to be renewed and this system has been successful in past seasons.  This season, DEWNR is aware that some of their renewal notices that were sent out in December 2016 have not...

SAFGA Membership Renewals

It has been drawn to our attention that publications have occurred on facebook by Waikerie Field and Game Association, stating that the “Waikerie Field and Game Association welcomes any transferring members and we will be happy to take care of your 2017 renewal” and...